Sunday 13 October 2013

Creative Commons Licensing

I have chosen to add Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported as the copyright licensing for my blog.  As this blog is used for learning and educational purposes I have allowed them to use, share or modify my work but only for non-commercial use and for them to licence their adapted or shared works under the same arrangements. I chose the ShareAlike option as I felt that if I didn't specify this then my own work could inadvertently end up being used in commercial works. In our learning context we encourage scaffolding and networking so for this reason I have allowed others permission to 'remix, tweak and build upon' ( otherwise the potential for these aspects of learning is lost. My own learning has been greatly enhanced by the ability to 'borrow' from others or share their work.  Within my organisation there are limitations on information that can be posted on personal social media or websites that relate to the workplace. To comply with this most of my contextual reflections can be applied more generally to the  public library field rather than specifically to my workplace. At times I would have preferred to be able to share very specific anecedotes to demonstrate a particular point but my organisation's social media policy does inhibit my ability to be open to a certain extent. Many others in my field  are in the same position often clarifying on their personal sites that views were there own, not of their workplace.


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